Would you like to learn a new language, but don’t know which one to pick nor how to find a private language tutor to learn faster? TUTOROO aims to make it easier for you to learn a language with the help of a private language tutor. One of the first steps in learning a new language is deciding what they want to learn! What’s more useful than a language spoken all around the world? Here’s a list of the five most spoken languages in the world to help you make up your mind.

1. English

If you’re reading this article, you’re one of the 1.4 billion people who speak English. That’s nearly one-fifth of all the people on Earth! Nearly 400 million of these people are native speakers, with many more using services like TUTOROO to learn it. English is one of the most popular languages available on the TUTOROO platform. You may now easily find private English tutors in cities like Sydney, Hong Kong, or Jakarta. The key to the widespread use of English is England’s history of colonisation. Over the centuries, England has colonised places in every continent on Earth. In the 20th century, English also became the language of international business, largely because the businesspeople of the United States spoke English.

2. Mandarin Chinese

There are more native speakers of Chinese than English, but fewer speakers of Chinese overall. There are approximately 900 million native and 200 million non-native speakers of Chinese, bringing the overall total to 1.1 billion Chinese speakers. “Chinese” isn’t just one language; it’s actually a group of languages. Mandarin is the most commonly spoken Chinese language, with its native name (Putonghua) translating to “common speech”. Mandarin is an official language in China, Taiwan, Singapore, and the United Nations. Learn Chinese with a private Mandarin tutor now!

3. Hindustani

You might not be familiar with Hindustani, but you’ve probably heard of Hindi and Urdu, two of its dialects. Hindi is spoken in northern and central India and is the official language of the Indian government. Urdu is mostly spoken in Pakistan and northern India. It’s estimated that there are 544 million people speaking Hindustani in the world, with about a 50/50 split between native and non-native speakers. Whether Hindi and Urdu are different languages or dialects of the same language is quite controversial, but both are incredibly popular.

4. Spanish

While it’s only the fourth most popular in terms of numbers, Spanish is the most widely spoken language in the world. 22 countries have Spanish as one of their official languages, and it’s the second most studied language in the world. There are 530 million Spanish speakers around the world; 430 million native and 100 million non-natives. If you want to learn Spanish, TUTOROO’s tutors can help you learn through conversation- much more useful than memorising vocabulary! Spanish is regularly listed as one of the easiest languages to learn, so don’t be afraid to give it a try! 

5. Arabic

With 420 million speakers, Arabic is the fifth most spoken language in the world. Arabic is the official language of 26 countries, many of which are in the Middle East and North Africa. Because the language has spread so far, Arabic is spoken differently in different parts of the world. Arabic is also the language of the Quran, the sacred text of Islam. Many Muslims who aren’t native Arabic speakers will learn the Arabic language to connect more deeply with their faith.

The five most spoken languages in the world are English, Mandarin Chinese, Hindustani, Spanish, and Arabic. How many languages can you speak? Connect with the TUTOROO Team now if you wish to find a private language tutor to help you boost your language skills!