3 Swahili teachers are available for private Swahili lessons in Paris, in-person or online Swahili classes. + Read more TUTOROO now works with 3 private Swahili tutors available for in-person or for online private Swahili classes. You can browse through the teachers profiles below to contact your preferred private tutor. We will introduce you to another private Swahili teacher in the event the tutor you've inquired for is not available or cannot accommodate your needs. Pick your private Swahili teacher and start learning Swahili today! Read less
Teacher joined in Jul, 2022
CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL DETAILS: Name : Simon Paul Dare Date of Birth :23rd January 1988 Place of Birth : Dar – Es - Salaam Home Place : West Upanga Nationality : Tanzanian Marital Status : Married Contact : 0746 720 666 / 0688 720 005 Email Address : simondare45@gmail.com EDUCATION BACKGROUND AND AWARDS: 1995 – 2001Primary Certificate At Muhimbili Primary School 2002 – 2003Secondary School at St Mathew’s Secondary School 2004 – 2005Attended Form Three and Four At Green Acres Secondary School 2006 Attended Computer Application Course At Dar Es Salaam Institute of Technology (D.I.T) and Computer Maintenance At University of DSM 2007 Attended Certificate of Sales and Marketing At College of Business Education (C.B.E) 2008 Certificate of Driving School at Kilimanjaro Driving School At Magomeni Campus July 2008 – July 2009 Attended: Computer Engineering Course At JR & ACHARYA POLYTECHIC At Arusha August 2010 – June 2012 Attended: Diploma of Sales and Marketing At College of Business Education (C.B.E) At Dar Es Salaam WORKING EXPERIENCE AND DUTIES: APRIL 2022- UP DATED: REJAA REAL ESTATES CO. LTD. REJAA REAL ESTATE CO. LTD. Is a Real Estate Company situated in DAR ES SALAAM, Kinondoni, Makumbusho. It’s Head Office located in MWANGA TOWER 12nd FLOOR Opposite MILLENIUM TOWER. Department: Sales & Marketing Position: Sales Supervisor We are among the Country’s most active and experienced Property Consultancies. Offering both Commercial and Residential Property Services, The team is recognized for their in-depth knowledge of the Tanzanian Real Estate market. With Tanzania’s Property market continuing to experience steady growth, we work with International and National owners, Occupiers, Investors, and Developers, offering world-class Property transaction and Consultancy Services that typically lead to lucrative financial outcomes. MARCH 2018- MARCH 2022: MASOKO LIMITED. Marketing Company with Different Companies Department: Marketing Promotion Position: Supervisor DUTIES: - Prepare and Submit Sales performance report. - Decide on reward and Promotion based on performance. - Hire and train New Employees. PROJECT: From TIGO TANZANIA LIMITED. - Tigo KITOCHI 4G. - Sales and Marketing promotion in whole Country of Tanzania. PROJECT: From TIGO TANZANIA LIMITED. - Marketing promotion of SMARTPHONE FAIR. - All Sim especially {NOKIA and TECNO}. - This was sold in all Supermarkets in Big Cities of Tanzania Mainland and Island for awareness Business and selling. FEBRUARY 2016 – FEBRUARY 2018: DKT INTERNATIONAL TANZANIA Authorized Import, Distributor and Market of Bull and Fiesta Condoms, Silver line IUD, Misoprostol and Pregnancy Test As SALES REPRESENTATIVE TEMEKE REGION. Is one of the Largest private provider of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Products and Services in the developing world, serving 21 Million couples in 2013. DKT International Tanzania is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization, headquartered in Washington, D.C, U.S.A which to promotes Family Planning Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS prevention through social marketing and now has 21 programs in 19 countries that account for 60% of the World Population. DKT ‘ s MISSION: DKT provides couples with affordable and safe option for Family Planning and HIV/AIDS prevention through dynamic social marketing. DKT ‘ s VISION: DKT is in innovative and adventurous social marketing enterprises that improves people’s lives. DKT STRATEGY: In Tanzania, DKT works to improve access to and promotes the use of Family Planning (FP) and Reproductive Health (RH) service and products in the selected project areas by implementing and holistic programming framework which comprehensively addresses three interdependent and mutually supportive thematic areas of SRH programs: supply, the enabling environment and demand. TARGET GEOGRAPHIES: Ultimately, DKT intends to promotes and provide FP/RH services and products to all regions across Tanzania, including both Mainland and Zanzibar and throughout both urban and rural areas. However, to start with the Organization will focus on the Following Target Geographies: 1> Dar Es Salaam to Dodoma corridor, including Dar, Dodoma and Morogoro Regions 2> Mwanza Zone ( Serving all the Lake Zone and Western Zone Regions ) 3> Northern Zone ( Kilimanjaro, Arusha, to Manyara corridor ) 4> Iringa and Mbeya ( Serving the Southern Zone Regions ) 5> Region 6> Southern Zone (Kilwa Masoko+Kilwa Kivinje, Lindi, Mtwara and Songea) PRODUCT RANGE: DKT International Tanzania will offer a comprehensive range of modern, affordable and quality FP methods under the brand TRUSThttp://www.trustlife.co.tz/en/ which will include different types of Oral Contraceptives, Pills, Emergency Contraceptives, Injectable, Intrauterine Devices (IUDs), Implants and Condoms CONTACT ADDRESS: http://www.dktinternational.org/country-programs/tanzania/ http://www.trustlife.co.tz/en/ https://web.facebook.com/TrustlifeTz/ http://kileleland.com/ JANUARY 2015 – JANUARY 2016: SBC TANZANIA LIMITED Authorized Manufacturer and Distributor of Pepsi, Pepsi Diet, Mountain Dew, Seven Up, Mirinda(Orange, Green Apple, Strawberry and Pineapple), Tonic Water and Club Soda In Tanzania As CR CUM DRIVER. Experienced Routes In: All Dar Es Salaam Routes and Morogoro Urban:Kilosa, Turiani, Gairo, Kibaigwa, Mpwapwa, Kisaki, Ifakara, Malinyi, Mlimba, Mahenge, Mngeta, Kilombero, Pwaga, Ihongwe, Mgeta, Lumuma, Mziha, and Mikumi • Plan sales and merchandize objectives for every call. • Provide exceptional quality of customer service. • Represent company at consumer meetings and trade association to promote all products. • Create and develop sales strategies to enhance business growth. • Analyse, evaluate and assess sales territories for own products or services. • Obtain feedback from customers. • Assist company standards to meet established goals, objectives and selling skills. • Assist positive work atmosphere with management as well as co-workers throughout organization. August 2013 – December 2014: FAIR DEAL AUTO (Pvt) LIMITED Authorized Distributor of Bajaj Two & Three Wheelers In Tanzania As a Sales Regional Manager at Dar-Es-Salaam RESPONSIBILITIES: • To Sale Two & Three Wheelers at different Banks, Sacco’s and other Microfinance • To create Business Agreement with all Source of Money like Banks and Microfinance who are interested to do Business with us • Win having Business Agreement with NMB Bank, NBC Bank, CRDB Bank, Bayport Financial Service, EcoBank , Kenya Commercial Bank, Maendeleo Bank, Wanawake Bank and Efatha Ministry Bank will launch business of give to their customers loan of Two & Three Wheelers • At Bayport Financial Service they do give Two Wheelers Loans to Government Workers by only submit their Current Salary slip, Bank Statement, Copy of Staff ID Card, Copy of ATM Card, then after they do give them loan of Two Wheeler by deduct them to their monthly Salary • Win to have Business Agreement pipeline with DAWASCO and TTCL • Prepare and manage sales pipeline, potential and evaluate sales prospects with ability to move large number of transaction concurrently by Sales pipeline. • Study and analyse marketing trends for own products or services. • Study and analyse competitor selling strategies. • Provide daily support to the Sales force. • Prepare, plan and implement local marketing events and sales strategies. • Report and present management information emphasizing improvement areas and related to concern plus opportunity. • Prepare marketing plans determining specific organization product family needs. • Develop market and competitive analysis, pricing schedules, forecasts, promotional plus advertising requirements. • Assist partner distribution networks associated with distribution plus promotion of organization materials. • Head responsibility to interview and hire approved staffing levels. • Lead, guide and mentor sales personnel. • Set sales targets for the sales team to achieve outcomes. • Create innovative ways to attract and capture customers. July 2012 – July 2013: CANADIAN TANZANIA {CANZANIA} LIMITED Authorized Distributor of Power Horse Energy Drink, Always Pads, Ariel Soap, Gillette, Duracell, Safeguard Soap As a Sales and Driver Representative Dar Es Salaam and Pwani Regions RESPONSIBILITIES: • Positive attitude and Professional Appearance • To Sale all Company products of P&G in Dar Coast Region • Delivery of right product to a right customer at a right time • Communicate effectively with Customers during delivery of the product • Set and Achieve Sales target as per Company Strategies. • To promote products by putting posters, plastic plates, danglers and PVC • To prepare weekly reports and submit to Marketing Manager • To maintain, educate new and existing customers Business relationship • To investigate the activities of competitors in the market and give the market feedback to the Head of Sales and Marketing • Abide all driving rules and regulations including wrong parking, or violations According to the country law. • To accountable for delivering the brand’s profit, Volume and Market share objectives. July 2011- July 2012: FIELD WORKING WITH; INTERGRATED COMMUNICATION L.T.D Marketing Company with Different Companies Department: Marketing Promotion Position: Marketing & Sales Trainer PROJECT: From UNILIVER TANZANIA LIMITED PRODUCTS: OMO Soap, BLUE BAND, GEISHA Soap, Life Boy, Fair and Lovely and SUNLIGHT Soap. DUTIES: - Prepare and Submit Sales performance report. - Hire and Train New Employees. - Receive complaints and resolve problems. - Monitoring Employee productivity and provide constructive feedback and Coaching. - Finding order for New Brand. PROJECT: From TBL LIMITED. PRODUCTS: Safari Lager, Tusker, Kilimanjaro, Ndovu & Castle Lager. PROJECT: From T-MARK LIMITED. PRODUCT: Dume Condom, Lady Pepeta, Family Planning Product. - Promoting the Campaign of “Sikia Kengele, Tulia na Wako” LANGUAGE: Fluent English and Swahili DRIVING EXPERIENCE: I hold a clean Class D and E Tanzania Driving License PROFILE: Enjoy team work, self-motivate and Communication Skill challengers for the betterment of Company Development.
Tutor available for 1 more student
Teacher joined in Sep, 2022
I have an experience of five years having taught several schools as indicated in my resume. I am an accomplished primary school teacher with outstanding classroom management skills and a genuine passion for helping pupils of all abilities reach their full potential. I have taught a wide range of primary schools across all year groups from grade one to class eight and I have undertaken numerous management position as a senior teacher and currently headmistress. After building a successful career in teaching I have managed to build an extensive primary teaching skill set to allow me in delivering, engaging lessons, rigorous class room management and impressive results in development and exams. Finally, my desire is to succeed in an environment of growth and excellence with the aim of operating in an emerging institution as a quality teacher and employ my facilitation skills to improve learning experience for the pupils through deliverance of quality education.
Tutor available for 1 more student
Teacher joined in Aug, 2024
I am a passionate professional Swahili teacher of students with varied abilities, with vast experience in one-on-one tutoring and group instructions both online and offline. Adept at motivating students and promoting effective learning by setting clear tasks and challenging but attainable goals in line with the curriculum. I am a great teacher because I create a learner-friendly teaching and learning environment making learners free to express themselves and understand the concept. I have a passion...
Tutor available for 1 more student
Learn Swahili online or offline with the best private Swahili tutors. Private Swahili lessons will be held by TUTOROO tutors directly and custom-made for your private learning needs. Learn Swahili effectively with the help of a native speaking Swahili tutor. Have fun learning a new language!
TUTOROO is a website that connects you with private, in-person language tutors. We now work with 350,000 tutors in more than 160 cities. We match genuine native speakers with people who want to enhance their conversational skills in any language at their preferred place and time.
The most difficult part in learning a foreign language is the practice, which can be acquired only by conversing with a native speaker. For people willing to practice foreign languages, it is difficult to find a private language tutor who lives or works in their city. TUTOROO has been designed to provide a frictionless experience while connecting tutors to students, for private in-person language lessons.
"I've studied with a native tutor for two months because I'm traveling this week. These classes helped me a lot! I loved TUTOROO and am already recommending it to my friends."
- Mark Bariche
"I found the perfect tutor for me, I became able to speak in another language and enjoyed meeting new people from other cultures. I've improved my language skills, without traveling abroad. Thanks TUTOROO!"
Leila Zhing
"Speaking in another language is no longer difficult with the help of a teacher. Getting corrections for your mistakes helps you continue to improve in each lesson."
Andrew Guney