Find your French Tutor in Madrid

8 French teachers are available for private French lessons in Madrid, in-person or online French classes. + Read more TUTOROO now works with 8 private French tutors available for in-person or for online private French classes. You can browse through the teachers profiles below to contact your preferred private tutor. We will introduce you to another private French teacher in the event the tutor you've inquired for is not available or cannot accommodate your needs. Pick your private French teacher and start learning French today! Read less

Cultiva tu arte del francés.
 Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Private French tutor in Madrid

Teacher joined in Jan, 2024

Me llamo John, tu futuro tutor dedicado a acompañarte en el aprendizaje del francés. A los 28 años, soy originario del sur de Francia, donde el sol es más generoso. Más específicamente, vengo de Toulouse, una ciudad dinámica del sur de Francia. Con un título de nivel bac+2 en ventas y comercio, mi trayectoria profesional me ha brindado una diversidad de experiencias en diferentes sectores y me ha permitido dominar diversos registros de lenguaje según las situaciones. Aparte de mis compromisos profesionales, tengo pasión por correr y tengo experiencia en el uso de software 3D y Photoshop. Con mi conocimiento profundo del francés, estoy entusiasmado por acompañarte en tu aprendizaje. Juntos exploraremos la riqueza del idioma francés de manera interactiva y adaptada a tus necesidades. Únete a mí para una experiencia de aprendizaje enriquecedora y personalizada, ¡donde el francés se convierte en un verdadero placer de dominar! Conmigo podrás: - Adquirir los fundamentos básicos del francés. - Comprender las sutilezas de las estructuras de las frases francesas. - Explorar la riqueza de la cultura francesa. - Profundizar tus conocimientos sobre la historia de Francia. Je m'appelle John, votre futur tuteur dédié à vous accompagner dans l'apprentissage du français ! À 28 ans, je suis originaire du sud de la France, là où le soleil est le plus généreux. Plus précisément, je viens de Toulouse, une ville dynamique du sud de la France. Doté d'un diplôme de niveau bac+2 en vente et commerce, mon parcours professionnel m'a offert une diversité d'expériences dans différents secteurs et m'a permis de maîtriser divers registres de langage en fonction des situations. En dehors de mes engagements professionnels, je nourris une passion pour la course à pied et j'ai une expertise dans l'utilisation de logiciels 3D et Photoshop. Avec ma connaissance approfondie du français, je suis enthousiaste à l'idée de vous accompagner dans votre apprentissage. Ensemble, nous explorerons la richesse de la langue française de manière interactive et adaptée à vos besoins. Rejoignez-moi pour une expérience d'apprentissage enrichissante et personnalisée, où le français devient un véritable plaisir à maîtriser ! Avec moi, vous pourrez : -Acquérir les bases fondamentales du français. -Comprendre les subtilités des tournures de phrase françaises. -Explorer la richesse de la culture française. -Approfondir vos connaissances sur l'histoire de la France. My name is John, and your future tutor is dedicated to guiding you through the process of learning French! At 28, I hail from the south of France, where the sun is most generous. Specifically, I come from Toulouse, a dynamic city in the southern part of France. Armed with a diploma at the bac+2 level in sales and commerce, my professional journey has provided me with a variety of experiences in different sectors, allowing me to master various language registers depending on the situation. Outside of my professional commitments, I have a passion for running, and I possess expertise in using 3D software and Photoshop. With my in-depth knowledge of French, I am excited about the prospect of guiding you in your learning journey. Together, we will explore the richness of the French language in an interactive manner tailored to your needs. Join me for a rewarding and personalized learning experience where mastering French becomes a genuine pleasure! With me, you will be able to: -Master the fundamental basics of French. -Grasp the subtleties of French phrase constructions. -Explore the richness of French culture. -Gain insights into the history of France.

 Tutor available for 5 more students

EUR 15 / hour  Contact now
Français avec Nathalie
 Région de Murcie, Espagne

Improve your French with a native teacher

Teacher joined in Sep, 2023

Je m´appelle Nathalie, je suis professeur de français native et diplômée officiellement par les universités de Paris, je suis professeur freelance depuis plus de 15 ans et j´habite en Espagne. J´ai fait mes études à Paris et j´ai obtenu un DEA ( diplôme d´études approfondie= Master) dans les universités de Paris VIII et Paris III la Sorbonne nouvelle. J´enseigne depuis plus de 15 ans maintenant à tous les niveaux 1️⃣A1 jusqu´à C2 : débutant et confirmé. 2️⃣Je forme à tous les diplômes de français officiels: DELF-DALF-IGCSE-EOI..J´ai une solide formation dans l´enseignement: je travaille soit en cours particuliers et aussi avec des entreprises. 3️⃣Je prépare au français des affaires et français professionnel: aide à la rédaction de mails, projets... 4️⃣ Conversation 5️⃣ Révision de concepts grammaticaux... 6️⃣ Plaisir de pratiquer le français.

 Tutor available for 3 more students

EUR 45 / hour  Contact now
French lessons for everyone and all ages!
 Madrid, Madrid, Spain

French course in Madrid near you

Teacher joined in May, 2023

After graduating from university and having some experience abroad including an internship in the United States, I spent 4 years in London working for a large company, and before that for a few years in Paris, I always was passionate about learning languages ​​and during these experiences abroad I started teaching French to anyone wanting to progress. I like to develop new methods to facilitate and make learning fun! Younger I wanted to be a teacher and that’s why I feel very comfortable saying I’m very passionate about teaching!

 Tutor available for 5 more students

EUR 20 / hour  Contact now
Native French Speaker, Learn French Fast with Mansour in Madrid
 Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, Spain

Learn French with private classes

Teacher joined in Nov, 2021

Hello Everyone, I am a student who was born in Senegal and I speak French since I was born. I am looking to help students who’d like to speak fluent french. I will be able to help in many ways by giving basic exercises such as doing some oral exercises or writing. Another way that I’ve taught other students is by giving my students, couple tv shows or movies to watch and at the end, I’ll be expecting a quick summary. My teaching style is modern and is available for anyone even those who have never taken a single french class.

 Tutor available for 1 more student

EUR 10 / hour  Contact now
I will give you the confidence you need to speak French well
 avenida del garcia y rubio

Private French lessons in Madrid

Teacher joined in Oct, 2021

Hello, everyone! My name is Aristote, and I am currently attending college in Madrid. I lived the majority of my childhood in Belgium before my family and I relocated to Rwanda. I've also lived in the U.S for about a year. I am fluent in French and English, French is my mother tongue. I believe the best way to learn a language is by conversing with native speakers! I have encountered many individuals in my life who have expressed to me that they desperately desired to speak French, but they did not have the courage to speak the language as they were afraid people would ridicule them. I could never laugh at someone for not speaking a language well, I am your teacher, I want you to be comfortable around me. Let's speak French!

 Tutor available for 2 more students

EUR 10 / hour  Contact now
friendly and sympathetic
 Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, Spain

Improve your French with a native tutor

Teacher joined in May, 2021

I am a normal person and I like to interact with other people both in languages ​​and in business. I really like to speak, to converse in French that I do not always have the possibility to speak it here in Spain, I also do it by videoconference anywhere in the world. I really like to speak, to converse in French that I do not always have the possibility to speak it here in Spain, I also do it by videoconference anywhere in the world. Je suis bilingue français espagnol je parle aussi anglais, hébreu et arabe, j’adore la langue française.

 Tutor available for 1 more student

EUR 20 / hour  Contact now
Qualified French teacher (native level): dynamic and persona
 (1 review)
 Valencia, Comunidad Valenciana, Spain

French teacher in Madrid near you

Teacher joined in Jan, 2021

(ONLINE LESSON) Bonjour! Veux-tu apprendre français? ou l'améliorer? My classes are structured according to my students' needs, I use different teaching methods and I rely on listening to each of my students' expectations and goals. Dynamism and constant learning are my purposes in my classes. Lessons are online and the first lesson is free.  We could work one to one or in small groups for converstaion (maximum of 5 students). For the lesson, if necessary we can speak either in English or German. I have worked as a French teacher for more than ten years. I have academic studies in English and French from Montréal, Canada, where I lived for several years. I have a Bachelor in Teaching French as a foreign language from the Université de Bourgogne. I learned French at an early age in immersion in a French-speaking region and I studied French formally for 11 years, obtaining a native level. À bientôt!

 Tutor available for 1 more student

EUR 30 / hour  Contact now
French native tutor, Learn French Fast with Matthieu in Madrid
 (2 reviews)
 Calle Jose Miguel Guridi 3

Learn French with a private course

Teacher joined in Apr, 2019

Hi, my name is Matthieu, French from Paris and I would be happy to share my passion for the French language with you. I have a 3 year experience of teaching French as a foreign language and can do some homework support as well. Passionate about arts, food... and with 20 years of legal experience, including teaching students classes, I can make you progress in speaking, reading and writing in French (also good English, knowledges in Spanish and Mandarin). A bientot. Possibility of online classes. Salut ! Je m'appelle Matthieu, Français de Paris. Je serais ravi de partager avec vous ma passion pour la langue française. J'ai 3 ans d'expérience d'enseignement FLE et d'aide aux devoirs. Passionné d'art et de gastronomie, j'ai également une expérience de 20 ans en tant qu'avocat, pendant laquelle j'ai été amené à donner des cours de droit à l'université. Je peux vous faire progresser en conversation, lecture et écriture en Francais quel que soit votre niveau, enfant ou adulte (je parle aussi anglais couramment et débute en espagnol et mandarin). A bientôt ! Possibilité de cours en ligne.

 Tutor available for 5 more students

EUR 20 / hour  Contact now

Learn French online or offline with the best private French tutors. Private French lessons will be held by TUTOROO tutors directly and custom-made for your private learning needs. Learn French effectively with the help of a native speaking French tutor. Have fun learning a new language!

Find your private tutor

Find your private French tutor

TUTOROO is a website that connects you with private, in-person language tutors. We now work with 350,000 tutors in more than 160 cities. We match genuine native speakers with people who want to enhance their conversational skills in any language at their preferred place and time.

Start learning together

Start learning French together

The most difficult part in learning a foreign language is the practice, which can be acquired only by conversing with a native speaker. For people willing to practice foreign languages, it is difficult to find a private language tutor who lives or works in their city. TUTOROO has been designed to provide a frictionless experience while connecting tutors to students, for private in-person language lessons.

French Students Reviews


"I've studied with a native tutor for two months because I'm traveling this week. These classes helped me a lot! I loved TUTOROO and am already recommending it to my friends."

- Mark Bariche


"I found the perfect tutor for me, I became able to speak in another language and enjoyed meeting new people from other cultures. I've improved my language skills, without traveling abroad. Thanks TUTOROO!"

Leila Zhing


"Speaking in another language is no longer difficult with the help of a teacher. Getting corrections for your mistakes helps you continue to improve in each lesson."

Andrew Guney

French FAQs

What are the Benefits of Learning French with a Private Tutor?

Investing time and resources in learning French with a private French tutor is always a great decision in order to master la langue de Molière. Although there are various French lessons to choose from, mostly online, platforms often don't give learners the utmost attention they need to learn French.

Thanks to private French lessons, learners have tailored learning fit for their learning needs. Here are the top benefits of taking private French lessons.

How Many Countries Employ French as an Official Language?

One of the most widely spoken languages in the world is the French language. It originated from France, as this is where the language derived its name. Getting to know how many countries speak French can boost your will to take French lessons.

Like Italian, Spanish and Portuguese, French is a romance language. From the Gallo-Romance dialect of Northern France, French replaced Latin in 1539 to be the official language of France. This declaration was made by François I.

About 29 countries in the world employ French as their official language, coming close behind English as the second most used official language in the world. Some countries that employ French either as a first language or have a large number of residents that speak French include:

Interestingly, in the European Union, French is the only spoken language in the Union's Court of Justice and it is also one of the working languages of the United Nations.

Is French Difficult to Learn?

French isn't difficult to learn. It is regarded as a category 1 language, making it similar to English and easier to learn than categories 3 and 4 hard or extremely hard languages. Also, you don't need a formal education to learn French. You can learn French online.

For native English learners, learning French shouldn't come off as difficult as both languages share the same alphabet. However, the only significant difference is the le c cédille (ç), and accent on French vowels.

With the right learning methods and a skilled private tutor, learning French is pretty easy. Your enthusiasm to learn the French language as well as motivation can outweigh whatever difficulty you encounter while learning French. One point to note when learning a new language is understanding what makes the language difficult. Once that is out of the way, you're on the path to mastering any language of your choice.

Does TUTOROO offer Hybrid French lessons?

TUTOROO offers French lessons online and physical French classes. Depending on your preference, you can combine both modes of learning to ensure you get the best learning experience.

For instance, if you're in Sydney and would rather take physical lessons, you can learn French online on our website. Hybrid lessons offer learners flexibility especially if their schedule is demanding.

What Popular French Proficiency Tests Can I Take?

French proficiency exams evaluate how well non-native French speakers are able to communicate in French in a real-life situation. Also, French proficiency tests measure a learner's French skills in writing, listening, speaking and reading. The proficiency tests are international standardized exams and are recognised worldwide.

If you wish to study in France, Canada or any country that speaks French, it's important you undergo french proficiency tests. For instance, hiring a French tutor in Brisbane can help you prepare for French proficiency tests in Brisbane with ease if you're resident there. At the end of the tests, the diplomas are proof of your French skills and can offer a chance to study in several french-speaking universities.

Additionally, a high percentage of educational institutions in French-speaking countries require that you pass the tests for postgraduate and undergraduate programmes. For workers, the demand to be fluent in French is growing in the corporate world, especially for jobs requiring the knowledge of French. You can use your certificate to show you're competent in applying for jobs that have French speaking and writing skills as a prerequisite.

The organisation conducts the French proficiency tests in line with the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Language) guidelines. French proficiency tests you can take include,

It helps to know that there are six levels of DELF AND DALF. They are,

Other french proficiency tests are,

How Soon Can I Become Fluent in French?

Becoming fluent in French not only depends on how skilled your French tutor is but also on your environment. For instance, if you stay in a place where French is the predominant language, you can grasp the language in a short period. With immersion, you can become fluent in French in about a year or less.

However, if you're learning French and you stay in a place where French isn't spoken, it may take you a longer period to become fluent in French. For instance, learners living in Melbourne may take a longer time becoming fluent in French if they aren't fully or partially immersed. Therefore, it becomes important that they get French tutors in Melbourne to speed up their fluency.

As a beginner, you can get fluent in French in a little above a year with partial French immersion. Partial French immersion involves you devoting your time to learning French with a French tutor at home.

To speed up your fluency in French using the partial immersion method, it's important that you use tools that pull you deeper into the French language. For instance, you can fill up your leisure time indulging in activities that involve French as much as you can. You can watch French movies, read French books and listen to the news in French.

How Many People in the World Speak French?

French is a popular language as about 300 million people all over the world speak French. According to the International Organisation of the Francophonie, in 2018, about 235 million people speak French daily.

The figure shows how much French has grown. As of 2005, only a little above 175 million people globally spoke French. Also, French native speakers are about 77 million globally allowing French learners to be fully or partially immersed while learning French with a French tutor.

Furthermore, the International Organisation of Francophonie estimates that by 2050, the number of French speakers will rise to 715 million with 85% of this figure coming from Africa. However, this estimate largely depends on schooling evolution and how much importance the French are given in education.

Can My TUTOROO Private Tutor Me for French Proficiency Tests like DELF and DALF?

Yes. TUTOROO private French tutors are experienced and certified with most of them being genuine native speakers. As a learner, you can work with your French tutor to arrange your sessions according to your schedule.

Having a native speaker teach you French for DELF and DALF not only ensures you pass the tests but also get high grades. Our tutors have previously taught students for french proficiency tests and are passionate about sharing their culture and knowledge with learners.

Owing to the nature of French proficiency tests, learners are tested based on writing, speaking, listening and reading, an online tutor may not cut it. Having a private French tutor allows learners to smash their goals while focusing on the four skills the tests are based on.

Can I Change My Tutor if I'm Not Satisfied With Their Competence or Style?

There are several French tutors on TUTOROO, each with a unique style and expertise. Typically, the TUTOROO team facilitates and coordinates the tutor recruitment process for learners to ensure they are paired with a tutor that matches their budget, needs and wants.

We provide students with a large database of tutors and give them the freedom to either accept or refuse our top selection. However, in the event you're not pleased with your tutors' style of teaching or competence, you can request another French tutor.

Why Should I Learn French?

Not only is French an easy language to learn, but it also makes learning other romance languages like Italian, Spanish and Portuguese easy. Also, aside from English, French is the only language that is taught globally. Here are five reasons you should learn French:

How Can I Become a French Tutor at TUTOROO?

Becoming a French tutor at TUTOROO isn't difficult. Typically, you don't need to have certifications or qualifications to become a private tutor in the city you live in, especially if you live overseas for several months or years. All you're required to have is the confidence and time to teach people conversations in your native language, although our team will verify your proficiency before onboarding you on our platform. Once you're all set, we will be able to share your TUTOROO profile and attract learners for your private classes.

This way, you will be able to earn a steady income while teaching a language you know and love. Our most successful tutors make as much as $8,000 monthly.

With TUTOROO, you can reach students interested in learning your mother tongue in person (physical classes) or online.

One unique benefit of being a tutor on TUTOROO is that your work schedule is flexible, and there's a steady flow of jobs as many students are signing up to learn French.

All you have to do is sign up here to get started! Our team typically responds within three working days to help you teach your mother tongue to others.