Hi! My name is Lasca ten Kate. I was born, raised and am still living in the heart of Amsterdam. In 2020 I started teaching Dutch as a second language (NT2). For over three years now I am doing it full-time and really enjoy it! In the past years I have been able to help many students to pass their 'Inburgeringsexamens ' (A2) or Staatsexamens (B1/B2/C1/C2). With others I work on improving their conversation skills and/or use of ‘corporate Dutch’. Early 2023 I started providing in-company trainings as well.
After studying Dutch and Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam I ventured into creative writing for music-theatre performances, voice-over work, and translated English spoken animated movies into Dutch. Besides this I have been copy-writing professionally many years for various (governmental) campaigns, wrote song lyrics and the odd bit of poetry (as you probably guessed by now...: I love my language!).
My educational and professional background provides me with a sharp eye for grammar and a good ear (as a singer and voice-over) for proper pronunciation. If you struggle with the right spelling I gladly give you the insights to solve this issue. Needing to pass an exam...? In the past years I developed a clear path for passing the various exams as quickly as possible (which requires specific focus points and strategies).
In short: I love helping you to master my language, be it in person and/or online; the choice is yours! This can be done in various ways, also using creative ones (such as short stories, song lyrics, movies etc...) . While having all the 'standard' methods to rely on for teaching you everything you need to pass the various NT2 exams, I am very open to finding the way of learning that fits you best, depending on your level of Dutch, your interests and goals! Feel free to contact me with any sort of questions you might have.
To start with maybe not so easy, as we 'Amsterdammers' (and Dutch people in general...) love to show off our ability to speak with you in your own language.... So you will have to be strong and as soon as you can speak even a little bit of Dutch persist in using it as often as you can and ask to be spoken to in Dutch (you can of course always ask people to slow down a bit or repeat what they said...).
My suggestion would be to start with speaking Dutch in shops, cafés and restaurants (when ordering and paying); you will need the same set of sentences and won't land in too long 'conversations'. Once you feel comfortable (and while learning more and more Dutch words and mastering the grammar) you can extend speaking Dutch in other situations. Also: try to watch movies in your language, with Dutch subtitles.... When doing this online, you can replay bits of the movie to double check how things are being said in Dutch. Or...: watch Dutch movies or TV-series with subtitels in your own language, figure out what is being said and listen carefully to how that is done in Dutch (words ánd intonation...) A fun way to learn!
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Centre of Amsterdam, worldwide (online)
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