7 Lithuanian teachers are available for private Lithuanian lessons in Vilnius, in-person or online Lithuanian classes. + Read more TUTOROO now works with 7 private Lithuanian tutors available for in-person or for online private Lithuanian classes. You can browse through the teachers profiles below to contact your preferred private tutor. We will introduce you to another private Lithuanian teacher in the event the tutor you've inquired for is not available or cannot accommodate your needs. Pick your private Lithuanian teacher and start learning Lithuanian today! Read less
Teacher joined in Dec, 2021
Labas! Hi:) I am Naomi, a native tutor from Vilnius, and I offer a friendly and welcoming atmosphere to my students (online classes only). With me you will learn everyday basics, but also practical polite speech and even some slang, while adapting the course to your specific needs and current level. Choose your lesson type: "Conversation class" is for students with an intermediate level of Lithuanian, where we focus on their speaking skills and enriching their vocabulary on topics of their interests, and "Language course", designed for beginners/advanced learners looking to work on language basics and grammar. I also offer "Exam prep" where we solve mock exam questions together and analyze them in preparation for you official exam. My classes are 60 minutes long, but duration can vary upon your request. I have given 400+ individual lessons in my 2 years of teaching Lithuanian as a foreign language. My teaching goal is to present complicated linguistic concepts in a simplified manner and help people learn this complex yet beautiful language:) In my free time, I like to learn about the multicultural history of this country, take part in international events and study foreign languages - currently I'm learning Portuguese, but I also speak Russian and Italian.
Tutor available for 5 more students
Teacher joined in Mar, 2021
I must be honest - the only language teaching experience I had so fat was an exchange with a foreigner. So I obviously do not have certifications etc. But since Lithuanian language is pretty rare and if someone wants to learn it, I promise to learn together (I will look for advices and techniques how to do in the easiest way possible) and teach the things that are most relevant for the learner. I work in the hospitality field so I am usually meeting new people and trying to do the best I can to help them in any situation where help is requested.
Tutor available for 4 more students
Teacher joined in Sep, 2020
I have been teaching Lithuanian for the past 8 years and I have students from all over the world, from different backgrounds and walks of life. My method is based on sentence mining (creating complex sentences using simple patterns and learning grammar on the way) and conversational practice (with intermediate and advanced students). I usually teach online because it is more efficient and it saves time and money. Moreover, all the information is shared on a screen during the lesson so it makes learning process easier. I have loads of content to share with you guys so see you in our first lesson!
Tutor available for 1 more student
Teacher joined in Jul, 2021
I am a traveler, artist, and Red Cross volunteer who you can talk to on various topics and help you to practice your Lithuanian. I can help if you Lithuanian is not yet strong enough, because I speak English, Russian, Chinese. I've graduated Masters's in Contemporary Asia Studies at Vilnius University and gave up my Ph.D. as was involved in volunteering and creation. I do ceramics, learn wood firing, spent 6 months in Japan as a personal assistant for Japanese ceramics and wood-firing kiln building Master. I've traveled many times to Tibet, China, Ethiopia, Japan, Peru, Bolivia, and many other countries. I love people. I am open and curious and would gladly listen to the stories you would try to tell me using the Lithuanian you've learned.
Tutor available for 2 more students
Teacher joined in Sep, 2023
Native speaker from Lithuania. Not professional and not certified. I'm really the type of person to whom learning foreign languages never was an easy task and who had a lot of problems with foreign languages... However, I can speak five languages now. And I wish the same result for you: Lithuanian in your personal language pocket and confidence in your progress. We can communicate in English or Russian. Or only Lithuanian if you're an advanced user already! Let's get in touch and learn online or in Vilnius.
Tutor available for 2 more students
Teacher joined in Jan, 2022
Hello! My name is Inga and I am a graduate of Bachelor of Lithuanian Philology and Pedagogy. One of my biggest passions is language learning and teaching. I have teaching experience in a Lithuanian secondary school and I did an internship at one of the German universities where I taught Lithuanian to foreigners. I can guarantee a friendly and stress-free atmosphere for learning or practicing the Lithuanian language. My teaching style is based on active conversations. Let me know where and when you would like to meet up for the first lesson :) Also, the working language can be Latvian or German since I am proficient in them both :)
Tutor available for 1 more student
Teacher joined in Dec, 2020
Hey! I live in Vilnius and enjoy meeting new poeple. I love learning new languages and strongly believe that the best way to learn one - is to talk. So am offering a possibility to talk with me and learn together. I also speak russian, a little bit of spanish and georgian. Currently learning german. So I know how hard it could be learning on your own. And I know very well how super helpful is to get someone local to talk to you:) the most I've learned was while talking to others. So take your chance!
Tutor available for 1 more student
Learn Lithuanian online or offline with the best private Lithuanian tutors. Private Lithuanian lessons will be held by TUTOROO tutors directly and custom-made for your private learning needs. Learn Lithuanian effectively with the help of a native speaking Lithuanian tutor. Have fun learning a new language!
TUTOROO is a website that connects you with private, in-person language tutors. We now work with 350,000 tutors in more than 160 cities. We match genuine native speakers with people who want to enhance their conversational skills in any language at their preferred place and time.
The most difficult part in learning a foreign language is the practice, which can be acquired only by conversing with a native speaker. For people willing to practice foreign languages, it is difficult to find a private language tutor who lives or works in their city. TUTOROO has been designed to provide a frictionless experience while connecting tutors to students, for private in-person language lessons.
"I've studied with a native tutor for two months because I'm traveling this week. These classes helped me a lot! I loved TUTOROO and am already recommending it to my friends."
- Mark Bariche
"I found the perfect tutor for me, I became able to speak in another language and enjoyed meeting new people from other cultures. I've improved my language skills, without traveling abroad. Thanks TUTOROO!"
Leila Zhing
"Speaking in another language is no longer difficult with the help of a teacher. Getting corrections for your mistakes helps you continue to improve in each lesson."
Andrew Guney