Valerie, TUTOROO English Tutor in New York City
Contact Valerie
Lives in lake grove, NY
 Since  April 2023
Tutor from United States
This tutor usually responds within 11 hours





A teacher who supports you on every step of your journey

Private English Tutor in New York City and Online

Hi! My name is Valerie and I am from the United States. I love teaching English because it opens doors for my students, and creates a better life for them.

I’m so pleased you stopped by in your journey to learn how to speak English.

Learning a new language can be exciting, daunting and a challenge.

Finding a teacher who supports you on every step of your journey can make all the difference.

Hey there! My name is Valerie, and I'm from the United States. I absolutely love teaching English because it can truly change my students' lives and open up so many new opportunities for them.

I am also a Certified Professional Life Coach, so the support while on your learning journey is above and beyond a regular TEFL tutor.

I bring passion and enthusiasm when I teach my students and they have my support at all times, not just during their lessons. My teaching is empathetic, positive-focused and each lesson is tailored to the student.

When I am not teaching you can find me enjoying the soulful tunes of Sting and AURORA. As an INFP personality type, I really connect with AURORA - she feels like a kindred spirit to me.

As a certified TEFL teacher, I take immense pride in inspiring my students. My teaching methodology is dynamic and exhilarating, with a keen focus on promoting creativity. Having studied other languages myself, I have gained firsthand knowledge of the learning process and am able to utilize this experience to elevate my teaching. I possess a strong sense of empathy and provide unwavering support to my learners, going above and beyond to ensure that they receive the highest quality of education possible.

Let's take the first step towards achieving your goals together! Schedule a trial lesson with me and let's work towards making your dreams a reality. Looking forward to meeting you!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the easiest way to learn English in New York City?

With me, online!! :D

Is it difficult to learn English in New York City?

New Yorkers tend to speak quickly and this can be a challenge for many non native speakers.

24 USD
per hour

Tutor available
  for 3 more
students only!

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