Shichuan, TUTOROO Chinese / Mandarin Tutor in Canberra
Contact Shichuan
Lives in Bruce, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
 Since  February 2024
Tutor from China


Chinese / Mandarin



I believe that I can be a good mandarin teacher.

Private Chinese / Mandarin Tutor in Canberra and Online

I'm from China and I graduated from a normal university in China. My undergraduate major is Chinese language and literature. During my college life, I practiced in a primary school for half a year to teach Chinese. After graduating from university, I was certified as a teacher's certificate in China. Furthermore, I worked in a secondary school to teach Chinese and worked in an education training organization to teach Chinese. So I believe that I have enough experience to teach Chinese. At present, I'm studying at the University of Canberra for my master's degree and my master's major is education studies. My educational concept is that interest is the best driver and teachers play an important role in helping students develop interest and gain experience. When I am teaching, I will start from the interest first, teach students daily communication language or formal terms, and have more communication with students, so that they can gain more practice and experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

How easy is it to learn Chinese / Mandarin in Canberra?

It is not easy to learn Chinese in Canberra, because there are not too many Chinese people here, and Australia, as an English-speaking country, does not use Chinese much in daily communication.

Is Chinese / Mandarin easy to learn?

As a native Chinese speaker, I don't find Chinese difficult, but I think from a foreigner's point of view, pronunciation is not a challenge, and Chinese characters are the hardest. I have friends from other countries who can quickly learn pronunciation and some simple words for daily communication. Compared with English, I think the grammatical structure of Chinese is also more simpler.

30 AUD
per hour

Tutor available
  for 5 more
students only!

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All areas of Canberra

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