Ricardo, TUTOROO Chinese / Mandarin Tutor in Adelaide
Contact Ricardo
Lives in Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
 Since  May 2024
Tutor from China


Chinese / Mandarin



Don't worry,just talk

Private Chinese / Mandarin Tutor in Adelaide and Online

Hi, how's it going today? I'm Ricardo, raised in Hangzhou China for more than 20 years. And now I'm in Adelaide to finish my postgraduate degree. My major couldn't add any glow to my curriculum vitae because I studied electronic engineering in college and now doing a master of data science. But I am a good listener, a good secret keeper with whom you can talk about almost everything. Since I always don't like to judge people it has opened up many curious natures to me. I can't say I am so professional in Chinese because it'll never be enough to learn about this charming language. But I am a native speaker without too much accent cause I don't know too much about those dialects. By the way, I guess my English isn't too bad and I got 7 on the IELTS exam, so be free to talk to me. Thanks for reading those meaningless lines above. A sincere piece of advice for you to learn Chinese is just to talk to native people and ask them to correct you and tell you the normal way to use it. If you are interested in talking to me, let me know in advance. Have a good day~

Frequently Asked Questions

How easy is it to learn Chinese / Mandarin in Adelaide?

It's quite easy because there are lots of Chinese living here. And you could get access to an immersing atmosphere of Mandarin easily.

Is Chinese / Mandarin easy to learn?

It's quite easy to learn how to say some common words and communicate with others.

35 AUD
per hour

Tutor available
  for 3 more
students only!

Tutor available for online lessons or in-person private lessons in the following areas:

Prefer to be online teaching but it's ok to book a room in the university of Adelaide if you're convenient to come to the library.

Contact Ricardo Now

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