Nguyen, TUTOROO Vietnamese Tutor in Seoul
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Lives in Dongdaemun District, Seoul, South Korea
 Since  March 2024
Tutor from Vietnam





Basic Vietnamese language education for Koreans

Private Vietnamese Tutor in Seoul and Online

안녕하세요. 만나서 반가워요.
저는 현재 한국 내 대학교에서 관광학을 전공하고 있는 서울에 거주하는 베트남 학생이에요.
저의 장점을 소개할게요. 저는 먼저 2년 동안 한국인에게 베트남어를 가르쳤어요. 그중 한 학생은 현재 베트남에서 살고 있으며, 베트남 대학교에서 한국어를 가르치는 교수예요. 저는 그 외국어로서 한국어를 전공한 교수께 베트남어를 가르친 경험이 있어요. 그때 저는 베트남어를 가르치면서 교수법도 많이 배웠어요. 그때 배운 스킬을 통해서 여러분께 가르칠 거에요.
둘째, 저의 교수법은 흔히 말하는 말하기 중심이에요. 전문적인 용어로서 의사소통중심법으로 한국어를 가르칠 거예요. 의사소통중심법은 간단히 말해서 학생들이 말을 할 수 있도록 수업을 진행하는 것이에요. 또한, 각 주제에 맞게 어휘 및 문법을 가르치고 주제에 대해 자유롭게 말할 수 있도록 도울 거예요.
셋째, 저는 PPT로 수업을 진행할 거예요. 학생들이 쉽고 빠르게 공부를 할 수 있게 PPT를 만들었어요. 그리고 PPT로 수업을 하면 책을 보지 않아서 집중력을 높일 수 있어요.
베트남어는 발음부터 천천히 공부해야 해요. 배우기 아주 어려운 언어지만 함께 공부해 봐요.
hello. nice to meet you
I am a Vietnamese student living in Seoul, currently majoring in tourism at a university in Korea.
Let me introduce my strengths. First, I taught Vietnamese to Koreans for two years. One of them is currently living in Vietnam and is a professor who teaches Korean at a Vietnamese university. I have experience teaching Vietnamese as a foreign language to a professor who majored in Korean. At that time, I learned a lot about teaching methods while teaching Vietnamese. I will teach you the skills I learned back then.
Second, my teaching method is centered around speaking. In technical terms, we will teach Korean using a communication-centered method. Simply put, the communication-centered method is to teach classes so that students can speak. We will also teach you vocabulary and grammar tailored to each topic and help you speak freely about the topic.
Third, I will teach the class using PPT. We created a PPT so that students can study easily and quickly. And if you teach with PPT, you can improve your concentration by not looking at the book.
You need to study Vietnamese slowly, starting with pronunciation. It's a very difficult language to learn, but let's study it together.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the easiest way to learn Vietnamese in Seoul?

The best way to study Vietnamese is the same as any other language. First, you need to practice speaking and writing a lot. Language study is broadly divided into two categories. It can be divided into the comprehension area and the expression area. Usually, you end up studying only the areas you understand. Then you should never do that. You must also study the area of expression. So, during class, I will teach the comprehension area as well as the expression area at the same time. For example, I will study vocabulary and grammar and naturally solve problems verbally first. And I will be ‘Free talking’. It will make you talk a lot in class and build your confidence to speak naturally.

Is Vietnamese easy to learn?

Vietnamese is one of the difficult languages that Koreans find difficult to learn. There are many reasons. First, it’s a tone. Vietnamese has 6 tones, so it would be very difficult to learn. For example, there are many people who cannot speak Vietnamese even after living in Vietnam for three years. Second, the grammar is different. In Korean, the order is subject, object, and predicate, but in Vietnamese, the order is subject, predicate, and purpose. And there are a lot of prepositions. It will be difficult because the grammatical functions are very different. Third, pronunciation is difficult. Although tones are difficult, Vietnamese has a variety of vowels. Because the vowel pronunciation is different from Korean, you need to study it accurately. For example, there are two pronunciations for “o” in Vietnamese. Lips have different shapes, and you need to study these differences accurately. For the three reasons above, Vietnamese will be very difficult.

22000 KRW
per hour

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Tutor available for online lessons or in-person private lessons in the following areas:

You can find it near Kyung Hee University, Foreign Studies University, and City University. Online classes are also available. 대한민국 서울특별시 동대문구 동대문구 경희대로 26 경희대학교

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