Shawn, TUTOROO Sign Language Tutor in Brisbane
Contact Shawn
Lives in Brisbane
 Since  January 2023
Tutor from Australia


Sign Language



Deaf Auslan Teacher/Tutor

Private Sign Language Tutor in Brisbane and Online

13 years of teaching experience as an Auslan tutor and Auslan teacher in schools, universities, TAFEs/colleges, organisations, community groups and family's/clients' homes. I taught and mentored more than 1,000 hearing students in my life experience as a Deaf Auslan signing person. Most of my successful students become disability support workers, interpreters and Deaf community allies or professionals with Deafness Awareness skills and basic Auslan skills for communicating with their Deaf Auslan clients.

Short and easy, fun 1-hour Auslan lessons. Auslan (Australian Sign Language) is the official language of Deaf Australians. Auslan is different to English due to its unique syntax, grammar, Deaf facial expressions and body language for intonation and contexts. Auslan also has 8 state dialects with regional and local accents.

My teaching philosophy is to teach Auslan in an inclusive and safe environment at the learner's pace with learning materials provided.

If you need any assistance on topics or vocab, please feel free to book and contact me. :-)

I am profoundly Deaf and fluent Auslan signer. I live in Australia all of my life.

My Auslan tutoring services:
1) Flexibility.
2) Conversations or set tasks/activities ranging from fingerspelling to translating passages - it is up to you! :-)
3) Timely and specific feedback in Auslan and Written English.
4) Honesty and authenticity based on my experience with Auslan teaching.
5) Follow up - if I am not sure of something, I will find out and get back to you! :-D

Frequently Asked Questions

How easy is it to learn Sign Language in Brisbane?

Yes and no. Yes: become inclusive of the Deaf community and increase your diversity inclusion skills. No: Auslan requires lots of practice so face to face tutoring is best but I am flexible with Zoom remote tutoring.

Is Sign Language easy to learn?


90 AUD
per hour

Tutor available
  for 5 more
students only!

Tutor available for online lessons or in-person private lessons in the following areas:

Auslan (Australian Sign Language)