Julia, TUTOROO Russian Tutor in Tallinn
Contact Julia
Lives in Tallinn, Harjumaa, Eesti
 Since  January 2021
Tutor from Estonia
This tutor usually responds within 1 days





An avid traveler will teach you some cool phrases

Private Russian Tutor in Tallinn and Online

Hey there!

You already made it so far by looking out for your next Russian tutor, don't stop there:)

I visited heaps of places and love learning foreign languages myself. My curiosity has led me to learn Spanish from the very beginning so sure, I do know how to be in a novice's shoes myself.

Let's talk, exchange some phrases and figure out how to learn quickly and enjoyablely! =)

I have done some translations and tutoring before and would love to share some tips. My previous student (kudos to Tutoroo) has already mastered Russian and advanced very quickly. Let's say "no" to tedious lessons and have some cool language practice!

I would like to see your willingness to learn and your motivation.

Do not hesitate to get in touch. До встречи!

Frequently Asked Questions

How easy is it to learn Russian in Tallinn?

Relatively easy if you are determined to learn. You would need to show some input to progress and not give up when the language still seems like a "yadda yadda yadda" to you. You will be able to survive amongst your Russian friends after just 30 minutes of taking a class. Tallinn has many cool places where taking the class is bliss. There should be no problem with online tutoring either since we are based in a country where the Internet connection can be found even in the forest.

Is Russian easy to learn?

Not really but fun!

22 EUR
per hour

Tutor available
  for 1 more
student only!

Tutor available for online lessons or in-person private lessons in the following areas:

We can arrange outside walking tours, sessions in a central library or occasional catch-up in the coffee shop. If you are happy to study from the comfort of your home, I am happy to help you in an online setting.

Contact Julia Now

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