-Te-ai saturat ca limba engleza sa fie un impediment in viata ta de zi cu zi? Vrei sa inveti cat de repede notiunile de baza structurate inteligent? Nu vrei sa cheltui foarte multi bani? Atunci ti-ai gasit persoana potrivita. Ma numesc Diana, studiez Jurnalismul, iar limba engleza e pasiunea mea. Stiu ca pot sa ajut pe oricine, indiferent de nivel, daca isi doreste cu adevarat.
-If you want to learn romanian, then you`ve found the perfect teacher. I am born and raised in Romania, studying Journalism at the moment and I know exactly how to make you learn fast and fun. :)
Daca exista dorinta, exista si rezultate pe masura.
If you have desire, you will have results as well.
Poti face orice iti doresti, bariera e doar in minte.
Everything can be done. The barrier is only in the mind.
Tutor available
Tutor available for online lessons or in-person private lessons in the following areas:
I can meet my students all over the city. (Pot sa ma intalnesc cu studentii in tot orasul. ) .