Dominik, TUTOROO Polish Tutor in Berlin
Contact Dominik
Lives in Berlin, Germany
 Since  November 2020
Tutor from Poland





Polish your Polish with best personalised tutoring!

Private Polish Tutor in Berlin and Online

I will happily share my knowledge of Polish with teens and adults around Berlin, or worldwide through online meetings.

I graduated Theatre Arts studies in London, UK. I am very communicative, organised and carrying. I tailor my methods to your needs, ensuring you're fully satisfied with your progress.
A trial hour is free.

Please note I speak little German. English preferred.


Gerne teile ich meine Polnischkenntnisse mit Teenagern und Erwachsenen in ganz Berlin.

Ich habe Theaterkunst in London, Großbritannien, studiert. Ich bin sehr kommunikativ, organisiert und tragend. Ich passe meine Methoden an Ihre Bedürfnisse an und stelle sicher, dass Sie mit Ihren Fortschritten voll zufrieden sind.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass ich wenig Deutsch spreche. Englisch bevorzugt.

Frequently Asked Questions

How easy is it to learn Polish in Berlin?

Polish is a complex language, there is no doubt, it is a challange phonetically and grammatically. It is based on latin in its structures and we do have a lot of words in common with German, English and French. Once you get the basics, it only gets easier and more fun as speaking Polish is more like painting than assembling legos :)

How much time does it take to learn Polish in Berlin?

It depends on you how much knowledge you can intake. On my end I can promise to set high standards and to give you all this extra homework, but also to explain how to simplify your learning and make it fun.

20 EUR
per hour

Tutor available
  for 5 more
students only!

Tutor available for online lessons or in-person private lessons in the following areas:

North and central Berlin, online.

Contact Dominik Now

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