Katharina, TUTOROO German Tutor in Montreal
Contact Katharina
Lives in Montreal, Québec, Canada
 Since  August 2021
Tutor from Germany
This tutor usually responds within 3 hours





Learning conversational German with German certified teacher

Private German Tutor in Montreal and Online

Hey, I am Katharina, and originally from Berlin, Germany. I've been living in Montreal for the past 4 years and love this city. I love languages and have always been fascinated by them which is why I took a course by the Goethe Institute on how to teach German as a foreign language. That means that I am an officially certified teacher of German as a foreign language!
Besides that I have experience with tutoring in French and German when I was in high school, I also worked as an Au Pair in France where I would teach German to the kids. What I love about German in particular is that you can be so creative by creating new words. You just put them together and voilà - you got a new word! Isn't that fun?! I'd love to help you improve your German and find your very own creations! I truly believe that learning a new language should be fun and always be led by a natural curiosity and excitement for a language. If you can't feel that excitement about German yet, don't worry, I got it for two! :D

Si t'es francophone, pas de problème ! :) Je parle Francais courrament car j'ai vecu en France avant de demenager au Canada. J'ai hâte de t'aider d'améliorer ton Allemand !

Frequently Asked Questions

How easy is it to learn German in Montreal?

It might be a bit more difficult to find native Germans in Montreal compared to the rest of Canada, however, there are plenty of language exchange groups or people eager to do a language tandem.

What is the easiest way to learn German in Montreal?

The easiest way is to just join some German language groups online or to look for a German tutor on different language learning platforms!

50 CAD
per hour

Tutor available
  for 1 more
student only!

Tutor available for online lessons or in-person private lessons in the following areas:

Plateau, Downtown, Rosemont, Mile-End

Contact Katharina Now

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