ONLINE LESSONS ONLY - Hey guys, I am Nam. I was born and raised in Germany with Vietnamese roots. I grew up bilingual at home, so my native languages are German and Vietnamese. I lived in Germany my whole life but also lived in Vietnam, New Zealand and Australia.
I teach German to students who are on beginner, intermediate or advanced level. Every student is of course on a different level so every lesson is individual and customised to the student. I have a variety of textbooks for every level, but not every exercise in textbooks are useful because we talk differently in real life. That’s why I like to include text articles or German videos.
I taught students German from scratch and prepared Uni students for exams. I also have a lot of students who want to focus on speaking. We have conversational lessons about any topics like holiday, sports or politics.
Throughout the years I realised the best way to improve language skills is to communicate a lot with native speakers and constantly talk. The effect will be faster and more efficient.
I'm looking forward to help you to improve your German. Leave me a message and we can schedule a lesson :)
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Malvern East
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