Jordane, TUTOROO French Tutor in Prague
Contact Jordane
Lives in V haji 3
 Since  December 2022
Tutor from France
This tutor usually responds within 6 days





Let's choose together the way we learn

Private French Tutor in Prague and Online

Did you know that more than 200 million people speak French on the 5 continents? It is the most widely learned foreign language after English and the ninth most spoken language in the world.
Speaking French and English is an asset for finding a job with the many French and French-speaking multinationals;
Contrary to popular belief, French is not a difficult language. It is a language that requires a certain amount of precision, but its richness allows for a multitude of nuances to be expressed and it is possible to communicate in French very quickly after a few lessons.
Learning French helps you to learn other languages, especially Latin languages (Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, or Romanian) but also English since French has provided more than 50% of the current English vocabulary.
Let's start.

Frequently Asked Questions

How easy is it to learn French in Prague?

The French community is very large! Many cultural events will help you to improve your level while having fun / French film festival, French gastronomy festival and many other events. What we learn together you can use quickly if you wish

What is the easiest way to learn French in Prague?

Talking, meeting French people, going to see films in French
Talking over a Pilsner ! Or wine, of course , it looks more french!

500 CZK
per hour

Tutor available
  for 5 more
students only!

Tutor available for online lessons or in-person private lessons in the following areas:

Hello, I am French, 31 years old and I have been living in Prague for 2 years. I have a degree in education and I was also a French teacher in Africa. Like any language, the more you practice, the more the words, the pronunciation, the vocabulary, become more and more fluid. There is nothing like conversation to improve! Let's meet and we'll decide what's best for you! Can't wait to meet you! Jordane

Contact Jordane Now

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