I am from the Philippines and the Tagalog language is my native language. I am a graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education major in General Education and also a licensed Professional Teacher. By that, I am qualified to teach young learners and adults. Currently, I am in Masbate City where our language here is Bisaya. I am passionate about discovering new things and exploring them with my students. It also makes me happy to help especially those who have business or want to visit the Philippines and struggling to speak the Filipino language.
It is so easy to learn Filipino language specially when you live in the city. If you have someone to company you and knows the language and practice or use it with you everyday, you will easily learn it.
No. You will only find it difficult if you are not that interested. We Filipinos are known for being friendly and most of us are talkative. I am confident that filipino language is not that difficult to learn even if you are not in Cebu City.
Tutor available
Tutor available for online lessons or in-person private lessons in the following areas:
Masbate City, Legaspi City, Cebu City
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