I have worked as an English teacher at Universite Cote d'Azur for two years. I write and deliver courses for students ranging from complete beginners to advanced level. I studied French at the University of Edinburgh, and have a first-class honours degree. My classes are student-led, I communicate with my students to understand how best they learn and focus on improving people's confidence in spoken English. My lessons are informal and relaxed, and aim to help the students feel at ease speaking English to boost their confidence. I take an interest in my student's lives and work to understand what they need from me as a teacher. We will discuss in-class topics that interest them and play games to help keep the students motivated and engaged. With my university classes, all my students say that their confidence in speaking English has grown as a result of the classes.
We will focus on speaking English, discussing topics that interest the student, learning new vocabulary and helping the student to feel at ease with listening and speaking in English.
With weekly sessions, your level of English can improve rapidly simply by focussing on speaking.
Tutor available
Tutor available for online lessons or in-person private lessons in the following areas:
Menton, Monaco, Nice
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