Renee, TUTOROO English Tutor in Madrid
Contact Renee
Lives in Sol, Madrid, Madrid, Spain
 Since  April 2024
Tutor from Singapore





Multilingual tutor with proficiency in English

Private English Tutor in Madrid and Online

I think cats are better than dogs.
Did that sentence catch your attention?
Well, hello there.
My name is Renee (reh-nay), I am a Singaporean-Chinese girl who is enthusiastic about teaching and giving education to those who need it. In my opinion, there is nothing more powerful than words, and knowledge.

I have been speaking English for almost all my life. I moved out of China when I was the age of 6, and ever since then, I have been attending schools under the British system with classes offered in full English. At the age of 15, I moved to Madrid; from then, I have been enrolled in an American School.

Honourable academic achievements:
- Current student of AP (Advanced Placement) English Language & Composition [P.S. For non-Americans, an Advanced Placement class is a class taught at a university level.]
- Outstanding grades on AP essays.
- Completion of GCSE O' level English and Literature
- GPA (Grade Point Average: 3.7)
- C2 Proficiency in English

I am currently a teacher's assistant (TA) for my Anatomy / Chemistry teacher; one of the tasks of a TA is to ensure students from the class are able to catch on with lectures and homework. Once a week, I am responsible of hosting a study session afterschool to help the students that wish to better their grades.
Furthermore, I have experience in tutoring children. From October 2023 to January 2024, I taught English to this Spanish boy (6 years old), and 2 weeks later, his mother reported to me he went from a C, to a B. Guess, what?
That could be you.

What to expect from me:
- I can teach English to any age.
- I can teach according to your needs.
- I teach conversational English, English (British/American) literature, English Reading & Analysing, and English writing.
- I can speak Spanish, and Chinese; so if the student does not understand something, I can explain to them in one of the 2 languages mentioned.

- I can also teach Beginners Spanish, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Anatomy & Physiology in English. If any of these interests you, feel free to reach out to me.

Frequently Asked Questions

How easy is it to learn English in Madrid?

Madrid is a city full of diversity; while Spanish the nation's official language, English is undoubtedly widely spoken as well. And because of how common it is for people to speak English in Madrid, you can always strike a conversation in English with people. Madrid offers a lot of opportunities for people to learn English. Example, if you would like to order something from a restaurant, 8/10 times the waiter probably knows English; and there it is! A chance to practice.

Is English easy to learn?

Considering that both Spanish and English are Latin languages, if the student is familiar with one but not the other: it is NO problem at all. The thing about learning languages is that you need to be willing to put work into it. One of the crucial factor to mastering a language is to have courage. You cannot be afraid to make mistakes, or conversing in it. Never limit your challenges, but always challenge your limits!

15 EUR
per hour

Tutor available
  for 3 more
students only!

Tutor available for online lessons or in-person private lessons in the following areas:

Anywhere in Madrid centre, I am okay with a little travelling.

Contact Renee Now

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