Hello, my name is Grant, I’m a native English speaker and have been helping children and adults learn for over 5 yrs. I have my 120-hour TEFL certification. I enjoy traveling around the globe, watching and playing sports, teaching, and experiencing other cultures around the world. I believe English is a tool that can be used in many aspects of life, such as entertainment, business, and education. English is used all over the world. I believe that communication and setting realistic goals are very important in the challenge of learning English. I like making learning a fun environment.
It’s not easy, it’s challenging yet rewarding. I will push your English boundaries to promote new growth.
I’m a native speaker and I’m still learning, but I can help you as a beginner or an advanced speaker. Young or old, language doesn’t discriminate.
Tutor available
Tutor available for online lessons or in-person private lessons in the following areas:
Stari Grad, Vulcan, Zemun, Waterfront. All downtown areas.
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