Hi, My name is Catherine Jackson and l am originally from Savannah, Georgia. My native language is English. I have a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Speech and Theatre and I have travelled extensively teaching English all over the world 🌎. I love my work and l enjoy sharing my talent of teaching English, and making it fun to learn in an exciting, expressive manner 😀. The techniques that l use make learning English fulfilling, and give each student a variety of choices to maintain excellent in any situation 😊.
Yes it is easy if you have the right tutor to help you
It takes about 1 hour a day with practice and effort 👌
Tutor available
Tutor available for online lessons or in-person private lessons in the following areas:
Scad Library, Savannah Mall,Savannah Espresso Coffee Shop, Savannah Coffee Shop on Liberty,Scad Alexander Hall,Scad Hamilton Hall
If the selected tutor is not available, feel free to contact more tutors: