Suleman, TUTOROO English Tutor in Amman
Contact Suleman
Lives in Amman , Marj al Hammam
 Since  October 2022
Tutor from Jordan
This tutor usually responds within 15 hours





Teacher and a senior translator

Private English Tutor in Amman and Online

My tutoring will help improve spoken, written, and reading in English. I am a teacher+translator, who majored in English translation. I have 10+ years of experience tutoring students in English specifically students, adults, and people of all ages in Amman, Jordan.
I will always interview my students and ask them what they need help and improvement in most and will tailor a plan for you. I speak Arabic Fluently so I can help with translating and speech improvement.
If you have any upcoming tests you need to prepare for or just want to improve your speech, reading, or writing I am here to help you quickly and as efficiently as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the easiest way to learn Arabic in Amman?


How much time does it take to learn Arabic in Amman?


22 USD
per hour

Tutor available
  for 5 more
students only!

Tutor available for online lessons or in-person private lessons in the following areas:

My tutoring will help improve spoken, written, and reading in English. I am a teacher+translator, who majored in English translation. I have 10+ years of experience tutoring students in English specifically students, adults, and people of all ages in Amman, Jordan. I will always interview my students and ask them what they need help and improvement in most and will tailor a plan for you. I speak Arabic Fluently so I can help with translating and speech improvement. If you have any upcoming tests you need to prepare for or just want to improve your speech, reading, or writing I am here to help you quickly and as efficiently as possible.

Contact Suleman Now

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