Meike, TUTOROO Dutch Tutor in Sydney
Contact Meike
Lives in Vaucluse, Nieuw-Zuid-Wales, Australië
 Since  June 2024
Tutor from Netherlands





23 year old fluent Dutch girl looking for extra work!

Private Dutch Tutor in Sydney and Online

Hi everyone!
I am Meike and I am 23 years old. I am currently living in Sydney as an au pair and during the day I have a lot of hours for extra tutoring jobs.
I am fluent in Dutch and would love to teach other people Dutch! Let me know if you are interested in learning Dutch and we can see together if we could be a match!
I can come over to see you at your place or we can meet online with a video call to save some travel time. I am living in Vaucluse so am able to travel around the Eastern sub.

Frequently Asked Questions

How easy is it to learn Dutch in Sydney?

It will take a bit of time to learn Dutch but after some good practice, you will definitely be able to speak it fluently!

Is Dutch easy to learn?

It is not as easy but a really good challenge if you like it!

35 AUD
per hour

Tutor available
  for 4 more
students only!

Tutor available for online lessons or in-person private lessons in the following areas:

Could come around the eastern suburbs. But also open to travel further in the city.