Valentina, TUTOROO Croatian Tutor in Sofia
Contact Valentina
Lives in Sofija, Sofijas pilsētas apgabals, Bulgārija
 Since  February 2024
Tutor from Croatia





Passionate language tutor and coach

Private Croatian Tutor in Sofia and Online

Hello my lovely students!
My name is Tina and I am originally from a beautiful countryside Rupa located on Croatian-slovenian border near RIjeka, Croatia. I gratuated in Marketing degree back in 2017 and I ave also obtained a TEFL certificate.
My teaching journey bagan at my university of Tourism studies in Opatija, Croatia where I tought Begiiner Croatian language for erasmus students. I have also tought English language at various schools in Sofia, city.
I have been teaching Croatian and English for over 2 years now. I have taught beginner and intermidiate levels both for kids and adults. I am very enhusiastic, passionate and adaptable teacher with a modern approach to teaching. I will always provide extra materilas, homework and resources to inspire the students.
Do not hesitate and start jour langiage journey with me!

Frequently Asked Questions

How easy is it to learn Croatian in Sofia?

It has been very easy and i have managed to meet with my students in coffee shops, libraries or simply teaching in homes of my students. I am very flexible about the location and do prefer one to one contact.

Is it difficult to learn Croatian in Sofia?

It is quiet easy for Bulgarian citizens since there are many similarities between the langiages. The biggest challenge for them might be the alphabet and grammar.

40 BGN
per hour

Tutor available
  for 3 more
students only!

Tutor available for online lessons or in-person private lessons in the following areas:

Coffe shops, home visits, library