Find your Italian Tutor in Lyon

2 Italian teachers are available for private Italian lessons in Lyon, in-person or online Italian classes. + Read more TUTOROO now works with 2 private Italian tutors available for in-person or for online private Italian classes. You can browse through the teachers profiles below to contact your preferred private tutor. We will introduce you to another private Italian teacher in the event the tutor you've inquired for is not available or cannot accommodate your needs. Pick your private Italian teacher and start learning Italian today! Read less

Viaggia con me alla scoperta dell'italianO!
 Lyon, Lione, Rodano 69007, Francia

Private Italian tutor in Lyon

Teacher joined in May, 2024

Ciao! 🇮🇹 Sono Davide, un insegnante di italiano con anni di esperienza nell'insegnamento a persone di tutte le età e nazionalità 🌍. Ho avuto il privilegio di lavorare in Italia, Spagna, Francia e Bulgaria, acquisendo una vasta competenza nell'adattare i miei metodi didattici alle diverse culture e necessità degli studenti. Offro lezioni di italiano online per ogni esigenza: dal lavoro 🏢 allo svago 🎉, dalla comunicazione quotidiana 🗣️ alla letteratura 📚. Che tu voglia migliorare le tue abilità linguistiche per motivi professionali, prepararti per un viaggio in Italia ✈️, o semplicemente immergerti nella ricca tradizione letteraria italiana, sono qui per aiutarti a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi. Le mie lezioni sono personalizzate e coinvolgenti, progettate per rendere l'apprendimento dell'italiano un'esperienza gratificante e piacevole 😊. Non vedo l'ora di iniziare questo viaggio linguistico insieme a te! Ti aspetto! HI! 🇮🇹 I'm Davide, an Italian teacher with years of experience in teaching people of all ages and nationalities 🌍. I have had the privilege of working in Italy, Spain, France, and Bulgaria, acquiring extensive expertise in adapting my teaching methods to the different cultures and needs of students. I offer online Italian lessons for every need: from work 🏢 to leisure 🎉, from daily communication 🗣️ to literature 📚. Whether you want to improve your language skills for professional reasons, prepare for a trip to Italy ✈️, or simply immerse yourself in Italy's rich literary tradition, I'm here to help you achieve your goals. My lessons are personalized and engaging, designed to make learning Italian a rewarding and enjoyable experience 😊. I can't wait to start this language journey with you! I am waiting for you!

 Tutor available for 5 more students

EUR 30 / hour  Contact now
Private Italian Tutor for online lessons
 Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

Improve your Italian with a native teacher

Teacher joined in Jan, 2021

Ciao a tutti! I am a native Italian currently living in Scotland. I have been in the UK for 4 years, so I can speak fluent English as well as some basic French and Spanish. I have a Bachelor degree in international tourism management obtained in Aberdeen, Scotland. I will help you learn Italian, practice your pronunciation and improve your grammar. I will also give great advice on Italian songs and books. I will help you learn this beautiful language with tailored lessons depending on your experience and what your objective are. A presto! See you soon!

 Tutor available for 1 more student

EUR 15 / hour  Contact now

Learn Italian online or offline with the best private Italian tutors. Private Italian lessons will be held by TUTOROO tutors directly and custom-made for your private learning needs. Learn Italian effectively with the help of a native speaking Italian tutor. Have fun learning a new language!

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Find your private Italian tutor

TUTOROO is a website that connects you with private, in-person language tutors. We now work with 350,000 tutors in more than 160 cities. We match genuine native speakers with people who want to enhance their conversational skills in any language at their preferred place and time.

Start learning together

Start learning Italian together

The most difficult part in learning a foreign language is the practice, which can be acquired only by conversing with a native speaker. For people willing to practice foreign languages, it is difficult to find a private language tutor who lives or works in their city. TUTOROO has been designed to provide a frictionless experience while connecting tutors to students, for private in-person language lessons.

Italian Students Reviews


"I've studied with a native tutor for two months because I'm traveling this week. These classes helped me a lot! I loved TUTOROO and am already recommending it to my friends."

- Mark Bariche


"I found the perfect tutor for me, I became able to speak in another language and enjoyed meeting new people from other cultures. I've improved my language skills, without traveling abroad. Thanks TUTOROO!"

Leila Zhing


"Speaking in another language is no longer difficult with the help of a teacher. Getting corrections for your mistakes helps you continue to improve in each lesson."

Andrew Guney