My name is Titilayo. I am a native Yoruba language speaker from Nigeria. I have a first degree from a University in Nigeria and I also have a certificate in early childhood training from a government-owned training center in Ghana. I learnt the Yoruba language in high school and obtained a grade A. I am a very calm and patient person. I am very passionate about teaching the language and I can pass my knowledge across in an easy way.
I create an interesting and engaging environment for students. Make customized teaching to address the special needs of students, mixing Yoruba words with English when making sentences and encouraging repetition for easier and faster learning. I also encourage students to initiate discussions to boost their confidence.
You can learn Yoruba easily in Lagos by trying to speak a word or sentence you have heard and asking for the interpretation.
Yes, Yoruba is very easy to learn if you commit yourself to it.
Tutor available
Tutor available for online lessons or in-person private lessons in the following areas:
Iyana Ipaja, Gbagada, Abesan, Ayobo, Agege, Ikeja, Palmgrove
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