Over the years I have been helping my children and friend’s children learn conversational IsiXhosa so that they can confidently converse with family and friends when we are in the Eastern Cape for the holiday season. I also teach about cultural food, dance and practices to help children build their identity by understanding basic Xhosa practices. My approach is to teach using written word, listening to videos, speaking and practicing as often as possible. It is advisable to practice with an IsiXhosa speaking person who will encourage the learner. The learning experience involves making mistakes, so the learning environment must be safe for learners to be willing to try and make mistakes and learn in that way. I read IsiXhosa books to improve my vocabulary and get teaching techniques.
Tutor available
Tutor available for online lessons or in-person private lessons in the following areas:
Rosebank, Parktown Hyde Park, Craighall Park, Randburg, Blairgowrie, Cresta, Illovo, Melrose, Emmarentia
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