Hello, hope you are doing well, it's me Aroosa, I live in Islamabad, Pakistan. I am a native Urdu speaker, I can speak Urdu, English, and Punjabi, and I also Quran learning, I am an Urdu language tutor, and I have 5 years experience in Urdu tutoring, I am also an expert in Urdu speaking, reading and writing, I complete intermediate in Allama Iqbal University, and teach the Urdu language in schools, I hope you can feel good to learn Urdu language with me, I teach you perfectly, so please book your lesson with me and explore the Urdu language with me more and more and achieve your goals.
No it's not difficult.
Almost 6 month for beginners and 3 months for advance learners.
Tutor available
Tutor available for online lessons or in-person private lessons in the following areas:
Schools and univercitiy
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