Hola! I am Ignasi, a native teacher from Barcelona Spain. I've been teaching for 4 years to international students. I have a C1 in English and a Teaching certificate from Zurich University. I also studied Financial Markets at Yale University. I like to make my classes dynamic and entertaining, with different activities, professional pages, and pdf books. With young students, I have some activities and pages to improve vocabulary and also practice the language in a more fun and enjoyable way. I also was a volunteer at the Red Cross and maritime rescue in Spain. I look forward to meeting you in our first class!
Absolutely yes! I know some students that for a year they reached a B2 level starting without any knowledge first. Like many languages, it takes time, but 20 minutes a day after or before the lessons to practice what you learned it's also a great idea to improve daily.
Honestly no. We have very similar writing to English. It's not very difficult.
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