Hi. My name is Anna. I’m from Ukraine and I’m a native speaker of Russian and Ukrainian languages. I know how it could be hard to start learning new languages. Moreover, I understand that practice is one of the best ways to do your first step in using new knowledge. I will help you not to be afraid of doing mistakes and to fall in love with both of Russian or Ukrainian cultures. Just remember - if you have passion to learn, I will help you to create a new part in your life of Russian language.
Russian language is not so easy. But if you have practice, don’t afraid of making mistakes, you start speaking fast. Furthermore, you will be able to speak with people not only in Russia, but in Ukraine, Bulgaria, Moldova, Belarus, Georgia and Armenia.
I don’t think so. There are a lot of people from Russian speaking countries in Rome and you are able to find friends for practicing language.
Tutor available
Tutor available for online lessons or in-person private lessons in the following areas:
I could have lesson in Prati everywhere. Or in Pergamino Caffè
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