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みなさん、こんにちは!Hello! My name is Miki, a native Japanese speaker. In college, I majored in education and studied second language acquisition. After graduating from college, I worked as a school teacher for three years. I passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test in 2021. So I am a qualified Japanese language teacher. Also, I speak English. Therefore, even if you are just starting to learn Japanese, I can help you improve your Japanese skills.
I like to travel and play sports. Especially, I do Iai-do and Naginata, which are traditional Japanese sports called Budo. I can use a Japanese sword (日本刀). If you are interested in not only the Japanese language but also Japanese culture, I'm here. Let's talk!
I do not think it is easy because grammatical structure is different from other languages and three types of characters ( ひらがな・カタカナ・漢字)are used in Japanese. However, I think it is possible to speak Japanese fluently if you understand the structure and practice hard. Let's keep trying, little by little.
I do not think so. There are a lot of Japanese schools and teachers. Also, many foreigners live in Tokyo, which makes it easier to find friends to study Japanese together.
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