Hi! I am Lina (22 y.o) and I am a passionate individual who loves traveling and exploring cultures and ideas. I am a Communication and Media graduate, I speak English and German and I'd love to teach Greek (Online or Real-Life) to people who want to delve deeper into the secrets of everyday conversations as well as to advance their writing and speaking skills. Having created 2 podcasts myself, having participated in debates, and being a cultural journalist and movie reviewer, I am the person you need: open-minded, creative, helpful, and patient. Look no further! I will help you improve your vocabulary, language structure, and comprehension. Can't wait to keep you companion on your Greek journey.
Athens is definitely a big capital and opportunities to practice can arise everywhere: in small bars and cafes, in the local grocery store, in the street, when you want to shout or you want to understand everyone who is swearing, in museum entrances or cinema theaters. To learn greek, you need to feel the beat of the city. It is easy when one can practice daily things with people who show patience and reward all the efforts. It is important not to be scared and it is important to see the words and do a small analysis for what they could mean, how they are structured. Athens is a hub for culturally motivated people and for people in all kinds of interests so I think it can be easier to learn and evolve your greek in our capital.
Not when you have tutoroo! Let's be honest, though. Greek is hard. So that's why pursuing an every day contact with locals who show interest in providing insights, teaching expressions and focusing on the depth of understanding the possibilities of greek can really open the mind and sharpen the way one can see the world and therefore Athens itself.
Tutor available
Tutor available for online lessons or in-person private lessons in the following areas:
Athens & ONLINE
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