Arthur-David, TUTOROO English Tutor in Vienna
Contact Arthur-David
Lives in Erdbergstraße 152, 1030 Wien, Österreich
 Since  March 2023
Tutor from Canada
This tutor usually responds within 1 days





Learn English in a casual, and conversation based way!

Private English Tutor in Vienna and Online

In my opinion, the easiest way to improve one's English is through casual conversation, instead of grinding your nose against textbooks inside a classroom.
While I learned German (B2 formally, now C1), I learned all about grammar, but not as many words as I would have liked to. When I got into the real world, I found myself lost in conversations, due to many words being completely foreign to me. However, after getting into the workforce, my German improved rapidly due to frequent exposure to these words and phrases.

This concept is the same for every language. English, in my opinion, is a harder language to learn than German; however, because English is absolutely everywhere in the modern age, learners have a unique advantage, since all popular media is made primarily in English.

The simplest way to learn English is by speaking it, plain and simple. It is important to learn grammar, but with a language like English, as long as you know the words, you will most likely be understood, and with me, you'll learn both!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How easy is it to learn English in Vienna?

Question: How difficult is English to learn?
Answer: It depends on how much experience you have. It also depends on spoken vs written English.

English is a Germanic language, which means that native German speakers will have a distinct advantage. The grammar of English, on the surface, is extremely similar, and for most people, takes no time to learn at a basic level. This means that spoken English might be a lot easier to learn first, rather than written English, due to some complex and confusing spelling, which is not present in German.

Is English easy to learn?

Question: How long does it take to learn English?
Answer: It depends.

English can be a tricky language, but the amount of time it takes to learn depends on what you need English for. Do you want it for travel? Then maybe only a few months! Do you need it for work? Then maybe somewhere around six months, to be able to comprehend things spoken in a workplace.

For example, I learned German for university. I went from absolutely no German experience, to B2 in 8 months. Along with some self-study, I was able to comprehend much of everything that was said in my University without issue, even able to communicate back and be understood.

Going into the workforce, I realized there were a lot more words in German than I ever imagined, but that didn't stop me. I already had a good basis to build on, and that allowed me to be conversationally fluent in a further eight months.

10 EUR
per hour

Tutor available
  for 3 more
students only!

Tutor available for online lessons or in-person private lessons in the following areas:

I prefer to teach in neutral, unthreatening ground, such as cafes, the student's apartment; however, I am more than willing to teach people inside my apartment as well. I am extremely flexible, and would be more than willing to teach even during a walk, just for conversation practice.

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