I grew up between the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada where I received my bachelor of arts degree in English literature and where I taught for a brief while renaissance poetry and prose. I then moved to Paris France where I receive my certificate to teach English and Italian as a second language at the Berlitz international language school. In 1986 I married an Italian and I moved to the north of Italy where I taught English at different schools with other methods. I also worked for a NATO office. I have been teaching English privately since then and I now live in Rome, Italy where I am still teaching English privately. I absolutely love the Berlitz method which teaches students how to speak from the very first day and I highly recommend it.
English is very easy to learn if the proper method is applied
To have a basic conversation it takes about one year
Tutor available
Tutor available for online lessons or in-person private lessons in the following areas:
Northern Rome and along Via Cassia and the FM3 line
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