I am a far-too-experienced ESL teacher and committed professional with a good command of English and an intimate understanding of multilingualism and cultural diversity. Having spent many years teaching this language, I provide tailor-made lessons for learners, no matter how low the level of beginner to even high-level advanced students.
My teaching style is characterized by patience, empathy, and an ability to simplify concepts, thus creating a supportive and inviting environment. It includes using modern teaching tools and techniques to make lessons interactive while including and adapting to the student's cultural backgrounds.
Teachers can then attend themselves to a lifelong commitment to professional improvement, learning all the latest methods to provide the best possible service for students in acquiring their new language.
I have a proven track record in helping students accomplish their academic and professional goals; therefore, I am a seasoned ESL teacher who is not just an instructor but also a mentor who inspires confidence and success in English proficiency.
Tutor available
Tutor available for online lessons or in-person private lessons in the following areas:
Hanoi, nearby provinces and online
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