Derville, TUTOROO English Tutor in Vancouver
Contact Derville
Lives in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
 Since  July 2023
Tutor from Canada
This tutor usually responds within 24 hours





Friendly English Tutor, Learn English Fast with Derville in Vancouver

Private English Tutor in Vancouver and Online

Author, Editor, and Publisher with an MBA in International Business. I will make your journey in learning English fun and engaging.
• Strong management, leadership, people, and team-building skills.
• Ability to build and maintain effective working relationships internally and with external stakeholders.
• Trusted and experienced in managing highly confidential government and client information.
• Excellent interpersonal, public speaking, written, and oral communication skills.
• Keen on learning & exploring new ideas towards increasing productivity & finding solutions to problems.
• Highly proficient in writing, including the ability to organize ideas and present them logically.
• Strong problem-solving skills with the ability to plan, schedule, analyze needs and prioritize tasks.
• Language proficiency: English (native); Korean (strong working proficiency); Spanish & French (basic)
• Advanced Computer Skills (MS Office, ICM, MS Teams, Zoom, Social Media, Publishing, etc.)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the easiest way to learn English in Vancouver?

Vancouver is a multicultural city with a diverse population, making it an excellent place to learn English. There are several options available to learn English in Vancouver, and the choice depends on your preferred learning style, budget, and time commitment. Here are some of the easiest ways to learn English in Vancouver: Language Schools, Community Colleges and Universities, English Conversation Groups, Private Tutors (like me), Immersion Programs, and Using Online Resources.
Consistent practice and exposure to the language are key to mastering English. Combining multiple methods, such as attending a language school while engaging in conversation groups or hiring a tutor, can enhance your learning experience.

Is it difficult to learn English in Vancouver?

Learning English in Vancouver can have its challenges, but it is not necessarily difficult. The level of difficulty can vary depending on your prior language learning experience, dedication, and the effort you put into your studies. Here are some factors that may present challenges when learning English in Vancouver: Many foreigners from non-English Speaking countries live in Vancouver so language immersion can be difficult; Vancouver has a diverse population with various accents, which can make it a bit more difficult to understand different English accents initially; Vocabulary and Slang; Grammar and Syntax.
Despite these potential challenges, Vancouver offers a supportive environment for English language learners. Engaging with English-speaking communities, and actively using English in your daily life can help overcome any difficulties while learning English in Vancouver.

35 CAD
per hour

Tutor available
  for 5 more
students only!

Tutor available for online lessons or in-person private lessons in the following areas:

Grandview Corners, White Rock, South Surrey

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